近日,美国 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS公布了2022年度设计大奖赛首批获奖名单,由国广一叶设计团队倾力打造的参评作品凭借高质量的呈现获得了评审团的高度认同。
本次大奖赛,国广一叶设计作品《Red Night 红•夜》强势斩获 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS 2022 金奖。
美国Muse设计大奖(Muse Design Awards),作为美国国际奖项协会(InternationAwardsAs-sociate)举办的全球性赛事,以严格的评审体系和高质量的评判标准著称,是全球创意领域最具影响力的国际奖项之一,每年吸引全球诸多知名品牌与设计,旨在培养和推广“设计缪斯”,推动设计发展更上一层楼。他们的独创性和透彻的作品使其他人敬畏,并在此过程中重新定义了界限和范围,就像“缪斯女神”一样。
Muse design awards, as a global event organized by the international awards as society, is famous for its strict evaluation system and high-quality evaluation criteria. It is one of the most influential international awards in the global creative field. It attracts many well-known brands and designs around the world every year, aiming to cultivate and promote "design Muses", Promote the development of design to a higher level. Their originality and thoroughness awed others, and in the process redefined the boundaries and scope, just like the "Muse".
《Red Night 红•夜》品鉴
客厅 | Living Room
整个客厅空间连接完全自然,调节光线饱和度。不同角度的光线,编织出一个柔软的有机空间。Whole sitting room space is connected fully natural, adjust the light saturation. The light of the different point of view, weave a soft organic space.
主卧 | Master Bedroom
Sleep bedroom as a safe container, need to throw everyday worries, rest adequately and breathing space, no loud colors, only in different material with color relieve excessive. Don't copy what others beauty, not constrained by rules are rules.
衣帽间 | Cloakroom
Never express fully and circulation, only its own object and elegance is house advocate the house quality high pursuit of the best performance. For "pure" dig deeper, for "extreme" precision design, let a space have practical with aesthetic feeling.
舞蹈室 | Dance Room
Through the combination of the material in the space and combinations, layer upon layer highlights space elements of conflict are interpreted positioning, and deliberately trying to convey the rationality to the spatial form of differentiation of conflict and fusion between logical and emotional changes.
阳光房 | Sun Room
Line and the harmony and echo of material, light and shadow of deconstruction and reshaping, let different elements present a different aesthetic feeling. Tonal, is to fit with their own character, finally, makes every inch of place oneself enough to contain your emotions and moods.
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